When I met U
I was reluctant to get with the journey of life. I’s mother had to literally push I inside the first train of LIFE. Much to I’s displeasure, the bogey was filled with crying babies just like itself. Annoyance was the first emotion I learnt. Soon I realized it was much easier in that train than on that platform. All I had to do was cry and everything was served, absolutely the way I wished, for if there was a slightest deviation from what I wanted, all it had to do was cry again and the shortcoming was tended to. But soon enough this understanding between I and its providers started changing. If I cried, it was not only yelled at but denied the whole demand altogether. I soon learnt to behave.
Though the scenery outside never seemed to matter in the beginning, it had started looking beautiful now. The stations came and went. Nothing was memorable though, till the sixteenth station. The train halted as usual. But there was something different about this station. It was so cherry red. So full of laughter and merriment! I couldn’t help but smile. This was the first time I saw U. U waltzed into the train. U smiled at I. God! The smile was mesmerizing! U came to I and introduced itself as LUST. LUST was very charming. Had its ways of seducing. I met many more who were seduced by LUST. It was LUST who got them all together one could say. I met many U. They became friends. These friends soon lost interest in the outside scenery and started the sole search, the search to know more about each other. They explored each other. There was this particular U that caught I’s attention. They started spending more time together. They were inseparable. They laughed together, cried together, ate together, slept together, even their breath was in sync. Soon enough I knew almost everything about U; that is what I thought. One autumn day, just like everyday, I and U were engrossed in a conversation and thus oblivious to the world. However, they were jolted back to reality, literally, due to a sudden break in the journey. U’s luggage fell off the carrier and landed straight on I’s lap. They laughed. That was first time I saw U’s luggage. The luggage was marked POSSESSION. I was startled. The reality hit real bad. I saw another bag marked INSECURITY and yet another named JEALOUSY. I decided to let go of this new information at that time, but, it never really let I breathe the way it used to. The train was getting claustrophobic. It started getting painfully horrible. By the time train halted at the twentieth station, I had enough of U and hence refrained from meeting it. I started loving its own company.
The equation between I and its caretakers had changed too. So much so that, by this time I ceased to need them. I could take care of itself. I was now capable of not only taking care of itself but also providing itself with whatever it desired, wished, wanted. Soon enough, I said goodbye to its existence givers and boarded off the train.
Once on the platform, I took a deep breath of fresh, free, no hassles breath. Oh! The feeling was lovely. I kept boarding different trains, meeting different U and changing those trains the moment it started getting claustrophobic with U. I did not give a rats’ arse about this change of trains every now and then. But soon came a time when I started feeling lonely. I brushed these lonely thoughts away by meeting a new U.
Though not in the same train, I sure was in touch with the ones who took care of it when it was not able to on its own. Soon enough, even those closed ones started asking I to settle with one U. But how could it with so many restrictions and binds that U put on it! Gosh! I could never explain this to them.
The parents’ concern about I’s ending up alone added to the mind fuck I was already going through due to loneliness. The gloom always disguised with a happy, don’t give a damn attitude made people consider I as an arrogant *&%%$#(@@$*&^&)!! But I was too reserved to change its attitude.
With this attitude chip on its shoulder, I got off yet another train. That train was one those trains wherein I did not meet U. Little did I knew that U would be sitting right there on the platform as if waiting for I. I and U noticed each other at almost the same time. They smiled. Both were captivated by each other’s smile. They felt an instant connection. As if they were meant to be together. U shyly introduced itself as LOVE.
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