Hey guys, this post is actually a comment posted by my friend Abhishek.. Check it out:
"I do agree....these r the places v frequently visit! Taj gateway colaba causeway leopolds.....Normally even i dont feel much abt such situations coz lets face it v r used to it by now! Its a very sad thing to say but its a fact!!!Its just very difficult t accept that v r not safe in our own city!Its really hard to believe that some1 can just take a boat n come up to the gateway or colaba n just enter into the city with enuf RDX to blow up a few city blocks!!I spoke to one of my friends whose in merchant navy abt this n he says its very difficult for any ship to just enter into Indian waters without being intercepted by the coast guards. Apparently we've systems in place to check such unauthorized infiltration. What he said was tht there is a huge chance that the coast guards might have been paid money....similar to what had happened in 1992-93!Later on i read in TOI tht the coast guards had intercepted their boat but the 2 officers were killed by these terrorists!I think the NSG commandos did a fantastic job!I dont think our police force wud have been able to do the job with such professionalism. I dont even think they r capable or for tht matter have infrastructure to even carry out such an operation. Lets face it, most of our cops with their huge beer-bellies cant even run behind a thug leave alone a heavily armed terrorists! I heard when they started the indiscriminate firing at CST the railway police ran after them with their sticks.....cane sticks vs AK-47s n MP5s, wot a contest!One more thing that bothers me a gr8 deal is that y arnet the areas where such operations going on sealed or maybe even declare a curfew. What happened at the nariman house after the NSGs came out after they killed the terrorists was ridiculous! The police was trying to control the crowd....In London, after the bombings try n remember the footage that was shown on the TV.....all the subway stations n the surrounding areas where the investigation was being carried out was sealed by the police by yellow tapes! Only emergency services n security agencies were allowed within the perimeter. The professionalism that they show is absolutely amazing! Here i wud also like to add that inspite of all this the commandos acted truly professional. The press conference that they held was an example of that. Only one guy spoke about the entire operation n he had covered his face.....n didnt not try to get any publicity out of it!I think our politicians shud learn something from them!After 9/11, the President of the US as well as Mayor Guiliani made it a point to come on TV & gave a statement. When it comes to such situations our politicians fail miserably at pacifying the citizens. I dont think they understand its importance. The problem is tht in a crisis situation, the common man doesnt have a person to look up to, who says that u know something terrible has happened n we're here to take care of the situation!Deshmukh was nowhere to be seen...n when he gave a statement he himself didnt seem to know the facts!I've tremedous respect for Manmohan Singh but i was thoroughly disappointed with 'We won't bow down to terror' speech!There seems to be no enthusiasm or will power or any sort of emotion in any of our leaders' speeches. The just mumble a few words here n there like a boring professor!Out of the whole lot, i think Narendra Modi was the most impressive....though i think he chose a very wrong time to give a speech! But i guess they r politicians....aadat se majboor!The sad part about the whole incident is that nothings gonna change! Like u said they r gonna stuff a few words like "Spirit of Mumbai".....which even i agree is total bullshit!!!I hope the Govt. takes a strong standpoint against terror this time.......HOPE n HOPE.....thats all we have!"
"I do agree....these r the places v frequently visit! Taj gateway colaba causeway leopolds.....Normally even i dont feel much abt such situations coz lets face it v r used to it by now! Its a very sad thing to say but its a fact!!!Its just very difficult t accept that v r not safe in our own city!Its really hard to believe that some1 can just take a boat n come up to the gateway or colaba n just enter into the city with enuf RDX to blow up a few city blocks!!I spoke to one of my friends whose in merchant navy abt this n he says its very difficult for any ship to just enter into Indian waters without being intercepted by the coast guards. Apparently we've systems in place to check such unauthorized infiltration. What he said was tht there is a huge chance that the coast guards might have been paid money....similar to what had happened in 1992-93!Later on i read in TOI tht the coast guards had intercepted their boat but the 2 officers were killed by these terrorists!I think the NSG commandos did a fantastic job!I dont think our police force wud have been able to do the job with such professionalism. I dont even think they r capable or for tht matter have infrastructure to even carry out such an operation. Lets face it, most of our cops with their huge beer-bellies cant even run behind a thug leave alone a heavily armed terrorists! I heard when they started the indiscriminate firing at CST the railway police ran after them with their sticks.....cane sticks vs AK-47s n MP5s, wot a contest!One more thing that bothers me a gr8 deal is that y arnet the areas where such operations going on sealed or maybe even declare a curfew. What happened at the nariman house after the NSGs came out after they killed the terrorists was ridiculous! The police was trying to control the crowd....In London, after the bombings try n remember the footage that was shown on the TV.....all the subway stations n the surrounding areas where the investigation was being carried out was sealed by the police by yellow tapes! Only emergency services n security agencies were allowed within the perimeter. The professionalism that they show is absolutely amazing! Here i wud also like to add that inspite of all this the commandos acted truly professional. The press conference that they held was an example of that. Only one guy spoke about the entire operation n he had covered his face.....n didnt not try to get any publicity out of it!I think our politicians shud learn something from them!After 9/11, the President of the US as well as Mayor Guiliani made it a point to come on TV & gave a statement. When it comes to such situations our politicians fail miserably at pacifying the citizens. I dont think they understand its importance. The problem is tht in a crisis situation, the common man doesnt have a person to look up to, who says that u know something terrible has happened n we're here to take care of the situation!Deshmukh was nowhere to be seen...n when he gave a statement he himself didnt seem to know the facts!I've tremedous respect for Manmohan Singh but i was thoroughly disappointed with 'We won't bow down to terror' speech!There seems to be no enthusiasm or will power or any sort of emotion in any of our leaders' speeches. The just mumble a few words here n there like a boring professor!Out of the whole lot, i think Narendra Modi was the most impressive....though i think he chose a very wrong time to give a speech! But i guess they r politicians....aadat se majboor!The sad part about the whole incident is that nothings gonna change! Like u said they r gonna stuff a few words like "Spirit of Mumbai".....which even i agree is total bullshit!!!I hope the Govt. takes a strong standpoint against terror this time.......HOPE n HOPE.....thats all we have!"
At 11:49 am ,
Anonymous said...
Waah Waah! Please post content by others only. (Even plagiarized stuff wiil do.) There will be less of your crap in the Blogosphere.
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